I am a precision health specialist who helps people make calculated lifestyle changes for weight loss, performance optimization and longevity.

Show Me How

Meet Stevie! 

Stevie is a passionate Precision Health Consultant.

Thank you for joining me on this journey towards holistic well-being! My path to coaching and consulting emerged from a pivotal moment working at a local clinic, where I grappled with the limitations of a health system that prioritized reactive rather than preventive care. Seeing a high volume of complicated patients each day, I realized that constraints on time and insurance hindered my ability to make a true impact in people's lives. Struggling within this system, I unexpectedly discovered my love for healing and a burning desire to find a way to show up in healthcare differently. This journey is ongoing, as I strive to create a space where each person is seen as a whole, unique individual, intertwining mental and physical health. Your presence here is valued, and I'm committed to helping you achieve not just health but a thriving, fulfilled life.



It All Started in PA school...

For many healthcare providers burnout starts in the years preceding our years of practice. With 8-hour classes, five days a week, and strict attendance policies, I found myself pulling two all-nighters weekly to study for exams, rarely missing a day of class in 15 consecutive months!

Struggling to maintain a shred of physical fitness and ignoring sleep and nutrition almost all together, by the time I was out of school and starting to see my very own patients I was pre-diabetic, too thin and paradoxically carried more body fat than was healthy (I want to emphasize this is not about body shaming, but rather an acknowledgment of my own experience at 5'7" and about 140 lbs with almost 30% body fat – a topic we can delve into later). I was being pushed beyond my limits and on the other side of that my body was in shambles right at the same time I supposed to be the expert in telling others how to be healthy! 

In school we don't learn about the power of nutrition, the importance of sleep or the fact that our bodies respond pretty much the same exact way to physiological and psychological stress! We learn about medications and procedures which are fantastic and can be lifesaving. However, I found one thing interesting in those early years of learning, every PowerPoint slide deck listed the first two remedies of every disease process as **Lifestyle changes and find underlying cause**

We spent very little time expanding on these. 

But Then Everything Changed...

At the peak of my burnout and chronic fatigue, I was on an airplane (where all the best thinking happens) going to visit family and reflecting on the lack of health in health care. I realized that the crux of my frustration was not being to help people in the way I wanted to and certainly not the way they needed. I was lacking the time and flexibility my patients deserve and I didn't even have a true knowledge of how to heal my own mind and body in the midst of all my stressors. 

On that United flight to Austin, I committed to finding a way to flip the script and find these elusive **lifestyle changes and underlying causes.** For the next year I immersed myself in learning about holistic, alternative and precision health modalities and concepts. Through this process I started prioritizing my own health and slowly, my body composition began to change, my energy levels increased, my "grumpy" levels decreased, and I really transformed into a healthier version of myself. 

 Now, I am able to show people how to become healthier versions of themselves as well...

Embarking on my journey in healthcare, I experienced first-hand the toll it takes on both mental and physical well-being. Battling burnout and the constraints of traditional medical practices, I discovered the limitations of a system focused on treating illness rather than fostering prevention and true well-being. This struggle fueled my passion to redefine client care, leading me to explore holistic approaches that integrate mental and physical health.

Through personal challenges, I learned the pivotal role of nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management in overall health. Armed with this knowledge, I developed a personalized solution for my clients, rooted in precision health, epigenetics, and metabolic testing. My commitment and passion for wellness, enables me to connect with my clients on a profound level. Together, we can navigate the complexities of your unique health journey!


The coldest temperature I've ever experienced is -77 with wind chill, it does get worse past 0 


I once rode my bike over 300 miles through my home state of New Mexico self-supported


My favorite colors are orange, red and yellow

(is it obvious?)


I have lived in 9 different states from coast to coast including Hawaii and Alaska


My favorite wellness routine habit is zone 2 cardio on a stationary bike while listening to a podcast

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